Monday, August 15, 2011

I cant stop crying! help!?

This is very serious! first of all we need to confront the worst issue you have had: suicide. I would just like to let you know, killing somebody (like yourself) is easy, giving life back to the deceased is not. Smoking pot will just make you more depressed in the end. I mean sure it feels good for a little while, but after you're done you just feel bad that the feeling can't last forever, hence more depression. Next conflict: Popularity and Self-esteem issues. Remember, popularity isn't how much other people like you, it's how much you like your self. If you walk with straight shoulder, and your head held high, people will notice that you are proud of yourself and will think "wow! that girl/guy really sees themselves as somebody to be proud of!" then they will see you as somebody cool. Third problem: family. It seems to me that you are going through a mine feild of emotions with them. I think it would be a good idea to sit down with them and tell them that you are having troubl controlling your moods right now and apologize in advance for what you might say at a later date. Askfor some grace while you are in this state of mind. Fourth item: uncontrolable crying. It depends on what you are crying about. If you don't know, then I suggest that you find a place where you can be alone and mabey three times a day go to a peacefull spot (a park or a beach) and let it all out there. It is all right to cry! pretty soon you should be able to with stand only two times a day and eventually you won't need to go any where at all, because you won't need to cry as much! It will take some time for this process to work, but f you stick with it I think it will go away eventually. If you don't want to go to your parents, then I suggest you go to your doctor or a phsycologist (not a phychiatrist). I hope you are able to overcome your depression!

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