Monday, August 15, 2011

Should I report this OB to my insurance(long story)?

I was flown down by helicopter to arrowhead hospital and got a new OB doctor to take my health case. I have preeclampsia. I am in my 35th week and recently 3 weeks ago got the steroid shots to mature my babys lungs. I got send down and had been there for a total of 10 days. Every day the docotor would come in and say one thing and change his mind ( I would see him for literaly 30 seconds). My bp was over 150/100 and my protien in my urine had been at 404 at the last hospital I had been at for 6 days. On the 8th day of being there he told me if my protein went up in the next 24 hr urine he would set a date to induce me. 2 days later he comes in and tells me it is now at 700 and my bp wasnt getting much better and started to walk out. I asked him what the plan was and he said he changed his mind hes not inducing me. I told him I was exhausted and getting some depression and when if finally comes down to do this im afraid I will be too exhausted he said dont worry once you get the epidural you will be putting your make up on and it will be a piece of cake. He also said even if he had for some reason told me if my bp went higher than 150/100 and was going to induce he he will most likely change his mind the next day... I'm thinking what good is his word? He compared me to a meth addict and said even if you were a meth addict or a cocain addict or even if you were suicidal it doesnt mean we would induce you it means we would send you to a psychiatric ward. (What does that have to do with my health case?) He said your protein in your urine did go up but even if it went up to 15,000 I woulnt induce you.....!? He said I've had patients with bp higher than 200/ (something or other cant remember the #) and I havent induced. First of all I have had heart problems my whole life and I told him that and he said you can have high blood pressure for 30 years and not die from it...... COME TO FIND OUT WHEN I STARTED CRYING WHEN HE LEFT AND TALKED TO MY NURSE SHE WENT AND LOOKED AT MY URINE RESULT AND IT WASNT 700 IT WAS 200! WELL IN NORMAL RANGE. HE SAID I LOOKED AT IT WRONG. I LEFT THE HOSPITAL AND HAVE A NEW OB WHOM I AM SEEING TOMORROW MORNING. Should I report this docotor for such carelessness for my health, mental health, and to even look at my charts for longer than 1 sec to get it right? My bp is still very very high. Just took it 157/108.

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