Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Are Christians telling lies by claiming there is scientific evidence for a cataclysmic flood 5000 years ago?

First of all the Christians like me who believe the Earth is older then the 6000 years that Creationists believe are not spitting in the face of our God for we still believe that He had a Divine hand in it's evolution. Our religious experts have mistranslated our God's creation story as believing in the literal six or seven 24 hour days of creation when our God is really referring to the last six or seven eras of modern evolution in His creation story and is not counting any of the prehistoric eras of evolution of life on Earth in His creation story. So we have miscalculated B.C. as being before Christ when in fact B.C. should be before the creation story starts. That means that the creation story is all within the common era of evolution that we are still living through today. That said there is scientific evidence out by a couple of scientists named John Anthony West and Dr. Robert M. Shoch that claim that the erosion on The Great Sphinx of Giza was caused by water and not by wind and sand. The problem they had was that when in time was there that much water in that region to cause the erosion? The only logical answer they had was the water came from the worldwide flood during Noah's flood. Noah's flood produced a large amount of water that covered the Earth for a very short amount of time, which would make it hard to date but did happen just as The Bible states it has.

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