Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mature advice DESPERATELY needed?

Starting your life over is generally not a good way to look at it. Your life so far, warts and all is a part of who you are, your hobbies etc and the way you think is not something you want to change radically without seriously long and hard thought. The problem is you could find yourself in a shallow existence a few years down the line doing all the things you think you should be doing rather than doing what your heart tells you. All because you wanted a new life. Look at this as taking a new direction, be cool with everything that has happen, that's life after all and the trick is to get used to it. Imagine you're on a train at the front, un-couple those carriages behind you and wave good bye. You still had the journey but now it's time for a new experience, NOT, a new you. "New you" is a feeling rather than destination. Get going with a new job, or a new "thing" or activity, even if it's just like going to the gym or movies once a week. Something you can mark the start of this new journey with, something to call your own. Open yourself up to new experiences, say yes to something you wouldn't normally do, it doesn't have to be permanent, you never know where it'll take you.

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