Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Need serious advice on big age-difference relationship?

Hi, I apologize in advance if this is really long, this is my first time posting a question so I am not used to this. I have been dating a very nice guy for the past three months. I am enthralled by his personality and I am very physically attracted to him. I have dated many guys in the past and can honestly say that everything about this man positively stands out from the others. As any other couple, we have our trials and misunderstandings but we work on them and grow closer in the process. I love his personality, behaviour, views and attitudes on life and how he treats me with such care. The interesting thing is though-we are 27 years apart. I am 18 and he is 45. To my own surprise, we have great chemistry and genuine romantic love for each other. To me, the age difference is barely noticable because he is not the typical 45-year old I imagined; he is very mature but has a beautiful heart of a kid, he is cute and silly, takes care of his health, jokes alot and has many interests, heck he is more lively than I am! We have tried to end it before, but every time we end up being miserable/missing each other and wanting to be with one another other again. He is not wealthy thus I know this has nothing to do with me wanting money from him. I sincerely love, care, and want to be intimate with this person despite the age difference. If I was to end the relationship, it would only be out of personal fear and doubt of the unknown future. I am looking for others' opinion on this-what would you do in my situation? Would the age difference force you to end it? Would you pay no attention to social norms and be with the one you love? Thank you in advance for your answers, please no immature comments

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