Monday, August 8, 2011

Opinions? Personality disorder?

I am 14, male. I believe i am a sociopath/psychopath, or a sadist. I have very strong belief that I am one of these but i just wanted some opinions. I've already read up on the symptoms of these and was intrigued by how many applied to me, most-if not all.�I am very secretive and some times paranoid. I do believe I am 'worth more' or 'better' than most people. I lie often, even if I don't need to( there's a name for this I just can't remember, pithylogical lying maybe?) I like to do things alone, though info have friends. I manipulate others for my own well being. I don't know why, but I enjoy to inflict pain, whether emotional or physical upon other, even my friends, to show dominance or for my own pleasure, I've hurt animals befor but I disliked it because it reminded me of my own pet dog(which I prefer over the other members of my family) i have VERY frequent fantasies and day dreams of "hurting" people Close and non-close to me. I came close to stabbing my teacher who technically bullied me incl all year, but was stopped by a friend who knew what I was going to do. I have a cold anger that I don't show, I keep it supersede along with most of my other emotions. I can take these out and wear them when need be. My dad ped away two years ago and my mom always questioned me on why I didn't seem sad, or wasn't as effected by his death. I was sad, I still miss him, but I just didn't show it as much I guess I didn't really understand why at the time. I like to humiliate my friends infront of others, I get an amusement from it. I have been accused of being self-centered, manipulative, perverted, cold, aggressive, and unstable. I get rather high grades, A's to A+'s but I don't try, or do homework, or study, I just naturally get these grades. Ive stolen, and cheated(not relationship wise) before. Procrastinating happens often unless the thing at hand is important to ME. I am highly interested in the idea of planned murder, , torture, weaponry, war, death,

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