Tuesday, August 9, 2011

This is for all the healthcare disorder savy peole out there. Is simplex 2 bloodborne?

i know it's primarily spread by ual contact with an active outbreak or viral shedding, and that it retreats back into main nerves along the spinal cord nearest the infection. there are blood tests as well as smears for it. the question is, is it in itself bloodborne, is that what the titer tests for (the virus itself) or the T-memory cells and antibodies that fight the virus. Also, that said, can someone with HSV-2 donate blood. I did some research with the local blood banks just out of curiosity and found that they do not test for HSV-2 in donor blood, which lead me to believe the actual virus is not blood borne? either that or the need for blood far outweighs the risk? or i just live in a dangerously retro-medical city

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