Thursday, August 18, 2011

Will SCOE will give stipend for GATE candidate...?

almost all the candidates having more than 75%tile get a stipend in all the colleges offering M.Tech

Problems with my potty trained 2 year 8 month old?

Ok, ladies. I'm at a loss. Sophie was showing signs of PT readiness at 15 months old. Seriously. She would tell me when she peed, would take her diaper off. She'd tell me she pooped. She'd sit on the potty all day long. I didn't push it though, I just went with the flow. If she wanted to sit on the potty, I'd let. If she wante...d to wear big girl underwear, I'd let her. At about 2 years 3 months she just seemed to get it. She'd go pee on the potty by herself. Of course, it took a bit longer on pooping on the potty, but she got the hang of that in no time. She's now 2 years 7 months. But, she's still having "accidents". Mostly when Tim is here. She'll pee all day long in her underwear when he's around. I figure it's an attention thing, so I *try* not to get too upset. She NEVER has an accident when we are out and about though-never, not once. But, like today, she said she had to go pee and made it to the bathroom and then peed on the bathroom floor. Later on she was laying on the couch beside me and peed on the couch. I was furious. I sent her to her room to change her underwear so I had time to clean up the mess and get myself calmed down. I go upstairs to check on her and she is laying in her bed. We talk about why she got sent to her room, what she did wrong, where big girls go pee. I feel like I got through to her. I go to hug her and realize she's wet. She had PEED in her bed not 5 minutes AFTER she peed on the couch. Her underwear, sheets, mattress pad, and even the mattress were completely SOAKED. I have to have my BIL come over tonight and clean her stuff now(he owns a professional carpet cleaning service). This happens ALL the time. When I ask her why she's done it, she never has an answer. She always says sorry and puts new underwear on. I'm just at a loss. I don't understand why she's still doing this. We can be out of the house for HOURS, the whole day, and she doesn't have an accident. She goes potty all on her own during this time too. I've even had her tested for UTI's.... What would you do? Do I put her back in diapers? I don't know what else to do. She pees her pants almost every day. I'm getting really really tired of this.See More

I am having some problems with my fish? Please help?

The fish might of have busted his Swim bladder. I had a fish that after being stressed out he looked like he was twisted and falling apart but really he busted that organ. Weird but also maybe if you wasted the tank and gems with soap you might have not raised it out all the way and fish can get sick from the soap. Just an idea, Just make sure you don't stress him out anymore. Try going back to your old food if your not seeing any results. Hope I Helped!!!

APB: "God", Known Aliases: "Yahweh", "J*h*v*h", "the Lord" ... Have -you- seen him?

Sorry Orion, I disagree...although this response does not include a few of your examples, ping judgment for wicked behavior after receiving multiple warnings of what that judgment would be if the wicked behavior continued is called justice, not genocide.

How can the "true scotsman" fallacy apply to "true Christians" when there is indeed a standard of conduct?

...when you start dismissing every ex-Christian out there as "was never a true Christian". When you dismiss evidence of Christianity's checkered past by dismissing every violent act by any Christian ever as meaning that Christian "was not a true Christian". When you try to pull weasel tricks like this post.

Do you like my poem? honest answer, please!?

I think you painted a very clear picture with your words, and did a very good job in doing so. Keep writing, you have a good start here, especially for just being 15. Good luck my young friend.

If you've been on the Carnival Splendor for the 7 day Mexican Riviera Cruise. Excursion suggestions?

Going on the Carnival Splendor 7 day Mexican Riviera Cruise in September with my husband and our 16 month old daughter. If you have been on this cruise or to these ports I am looking for suggestions on excursions that were awsome! Or suggestions on which ports we should plan an excursion and which ports we should just check out on our own. I am definately into walking the streets and shopping for some good deals!! Jewelry, purses, anything! :)

Why are some Somali's?

Why are somali's so load? the woman beat up their men and yell? and why the hell are they so tall? why do they sometimes act uncivilized?

DS; why are some people on here so insultive?

they are not just insultive, they are downright mean in some cases and so unnecessary ... and it is the dog section only ... i answer questions all over the place and rarely receive a thumbs down ... before i even finish typing in the dog section i can already feel the thumbs down ... i can answer the exact same way as another person and that person will get a thumbs up and i will get a thumbs down ... i do not insult people when i answer, i say what i think from my own experience ... i am not mean to people, although sometimes i do answer when i do not agree, but merely my opinion and then i get followed around and thumbs down on everything ... and i really am not complaining, i do not care if people thumbs down my answers, because the only thumbs that count are the upward ones and i get plenty of those too ... what i do find surprising is how some of the "top contributors" (and i say some) are so mean and negative and name calling and obviously inappropriate responses but for some reason their rants are allowed to stay (and i know the "top contributors" will be be thumbs downing me for this comment but as i said i do not care) ... dog people think they know it all, regardless of their actual knowledge or experience ...

I have a magic the gathering deck which is red and white extended and i am looking for any suggestions.?

Havent really seen to many red and white decks done correct. I would say sence your deck is creature heavy maybe worship

Is there a program like this, for windows?

Yes there is a very good programme and several others... The best is called VNC. Search it in google/yahoo and get it byt it is not free.

Is 1 year wait after pre-marital for LDS temple marriage a myth?

I have never understood the waiting a year thing. One of my sisters got pregnant and married in the temple within a year but another one of my sisters got pregnant, married in a church then had to wait a year to be sealed in the temple. I dont understand it. I think it is true...with exceptions.

Is Donald Trumph interfering with Pres. Obama's game playing?

Seems Pres. Obama's willingness to produce his birth record hastily, Could this indicate his fear of Mr. Trumph?

Saturn Vue Question? Does anyone have a problem with the engine light coming on?Thanks.?

I'm sure lots of people have had the engine light come on in their VUE. It's normally a minor issue that needs attention. Take it in and have a real technician look at it.

I'm atheist and I celebrate Christmas, anyone else do this?

I'm pagan, and so celebrate the Winter solstice as my religious holiday. But I also celebrate Christmas as a secular holiday of family and friends. I don't see anything wrong with that really. :)

What is the best perm to use?

ok so im a mutt basically and i want to know what the best perm to use in my hair because well motions is starting to get on my nerves. i have normal hair at times dry. My hair looks like some one that is half black and half hispanic ( but im not i am jamaican,indian(calcutta),syrian,maroon indian a little chinese is in my blood and on my mom side is cuban i guess by marriage,and more i don't know what's on my dad side cause he died). i want it so my hair would stay straight and won't get puffy. Please no dumb answers i will mark it as spam.

List of "happy" "dance" songs like "bi+ch" or "ain't no mountain high enough"...?

I wanted a list of "happy, get up and dance around the room" kind of songs. Like songs that they would play in a trailer for a movie or in a movie. Like the song "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" by Marvin Gaye was in the movie STEPMOM and "Bi+ch" by Meredith Brooks I heard in the trailer for PRACTICAL MAGIC. I know everyone has different tastes in what music they think is "fun", but I was hoping for any kind of list. Thanks :)

Help with biology? 10 pts!!?

It means that you need to look at some diagrams or models of the anatomy of the long bones, know where the items you listed are located and know the function of them. You will want to start by defining your terms and then looking at these specific terms on a model or diagram. Their function will be in their definition and the anatomy will follow by memorization.

What spice or flavoring do you really dislike?

There is not much that I don't like but I do not like "smoke" flavoring, cilantro or worscheshire sauce. Did I spell that right.

What do you think about the illegal Mexican teen getting 28 years in prison for raping a 64 year old woman?

The fact that he is here illegally is not of any concern to me as far as this story is concerned. This guy deserves every bit of what he got and potentially more. is a despicable act no matter who commits such a heinous crime.

Was Austen's novel "Emma" feminist and satirical?

I want to make sure I'm right and not giving out incorrect info. So was Austen criticizing the way women acted towards courtship and marriage? Was she really just trying to expose the frivolity of the life of a female in the 1800s?

I have a 1 month old baby. I have been feeding her with both milk and Good Start - iron fortified DHA

milk poop is yellow. Formula poop is usually green. And fed babies poop more often as well. Formula fed infants usually only poop once a day or less.

You've gotta be cruel to be kind in the right measure?

I admit Led Zeppelin could be overindulgent. I admit they way they went about covering certain artists/songs was wrong (though I could never know what their thinking was and don't think it demonstrates a lack of creativity). Yes, I know Jimmy Page was sloppy. Yes, I know Robert Plant sometimes sounds like a whiny girl. And their lyrics were rarely profound. There are probably more things I'd acknowledge if I could think of them at the moment.

If you lose your grocery store sales receipt will the store give you another?

I had my niece go grocery shopping for me. I gave her a signed check. When she got back, she hurriedly wrote the amount in my checkbook. I am suspicious because of no receipt and her wanting to write this in my checkbook herself. When I looked at the amount she wrote in my checkbook I was shocked. I think she bought things for herself and put in my cart and then her vehicle and kept them. I can't prove it. I know she will say she lost the receipt. Will the store give me another one if I ask for it? How can I find out without asking her. She will not tell me what really happened.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Im an istant but want to just be a general worker?

Just ask. If they can move you, they will. Since you don't seem to want to quit, just be reigned, they may be able to replace you sooner than later. So, don't give notice, just talk to whoever needs to handle this.

Names for characters in a book?

Your book sounds incredible. What you should do is google a small town and use that as your setting. Small towns such as Rio Rancho, New Mexico.

How do I attach the legs to a 500-lb oven and set it upright without using a forklift?

We recently bought a 500-lb oven which came with the four legs unattached. We can turn the oven on its side and screw in the legs but then how do we set it upright with just me and two other small guys and no forklift (heavy lifter)? Turning it after attaching the legs may break the legs supporting the weight as it is turned.

How can I help my friend with her abusive father?

My friend has had an extremely rocky relationship with her father ever since I met her. He is an extreme authoritarian parent. He doesn't let her out of the house except for school and he monitors all her activities like a hawk. As her girl friend, the only way I was allowed to hang out with her was to sneak her out of the house to see movies etc. when he was at work. He also physically hits her when he is angry with her and I have always had a suspicion that some ual harment was present (though unconfirmed). Anyway, once my friend went off to college she sort of went wild. See sleeps around with quite a few guys and experiments with a lot of sketchy things. This summer she moved back in with her dad after school let out. Recently, he found an empty condom in her room and got VERY angry, punching her in the face multiple times. She wants to move out and as her friend, I feel obligated to provide a temporary place for her to stay because she claims that living with him hereafter will be almost impossible. Still, I can't help feeling some doubts about getting involved. She has no plans except to pack her things and walk out. She has no money, no extended family to provide financial support and she lost her scholarship because of poor grades. I am attending school on a full scholarship and I do not depend on my parents for ANY help whatsoever. If I allow her to move in to my mother's home, my mom is going to feel responsible for her. My mom is a single parent taking care of my two younger siblings on her own and I don't want to add any extra pressure. I am willing to help my friend become emancipated, get a job and move out the right way but I'm not will to just let her 'crash' at my house because she wants freedom but doesn't have any plans. What should I do? Am I being unreasonable?

Is this allowed in Saudi Arabia?

if you are a woman ..Not yet,,,women are excluded from driving in Saudi, not to mention mixing with other men in majority of government buildings..If you are a man,,Think about alot of curious stirring at yeh eyes who never saw right sided driven cars ..

Urinary Tract Infection?

My boyfriend has a uti but it has not gone away, hes had it for about 4 days now, hes been taking AZO maximum to get rid of it, especially cranberry supplements and juice concentrate. he says that the pain has gone away, but the frequency and urge, and full bladder are still there, also dribbling is constant as well, my friend has antibiotics for her uti that she had, we dont have health insurance and cant afford to go to the doctor, would it hurt to try the antibiotics?

Have you tried StumbleUpon? Is it as big a time waster as Answers?

Yes, and yes ! Stumbleupon is always interesting, and it has put me on to sites that I never would have viewed otherwise. To anyone interested, you just type in stumbleupon dot com , sign on and then enter your interests. It then sends you sites that might interest you. If you don't like a particular site, you just say so and they cease sending you things of that nature. It really is addictive !

Really really weird situation does he like me?

I like this guy an recently he has found out that i like him.He flirted immensly with me b4 he knew an know its almost the same but better.Once some guys were makin fun of me, and he sed stop makin fun of her. We often message each other but his internet is down so he cant.He has ben very open 2 me an tells me things like i am having a good/bad day. He sits bside me in one of my cles in in the next 2 cles i catch him starin at me.We went on a field trip an i rememeber holdin his gaze for a really long time really close an it so intense i guess dat i forgot wat had happened an i cant remebr anything but the rain dat happened 2 be sprinkling.My contacts were bothering me 2 an im really social an energetic so its are to c me NOT running around my friends. I was isolated rubbing my eyes agitatedly an he poked me in the stomach an made me giggle so he did it again. He has done this twice b4.I caught him standing bside me starin at me so wen i turned 2 meet his gaze he turned his head

Im going out for my 18th and i have bought some shoes to wearr ,, any ideas of a dress to goo?

Nice shoes! Depends what you look like and what sort of things you like. Personally i'd go for a bottle green dress thats just below the knees or a black dress with silver/white gold jewellary!

We put a offer on a short term sale house..We found out the salers of the house accepted our offer but?

We are still waiting to find out if the bank as approved it or not..But i noticed by the house on the website its listed on they updated it from active to Contingent"? What does that mean? Thanks!

Bullfrog and Red-Eared Sliders?

I'm about to upgrade my two little Red- Eared sliders [3 inches] into a 10 gallon aquarium. I'm also planning on accompanying them with a Bullfrog same size. Do you think they'll get along?

Chapter 13 or chapter 7?? So confused?

I met with an attorney today and he basically left it up to me. Please do not judge me and say I am the reason for the failing economy, I am just looking for advice. I was 1 and half months late on my house and they put it in foreclosure, I lost my job as a nurse in March d/t me having a latex allergy (so we lost 60,000/year income) havent found a job yet. My husband works and makes decent pay. If we file chapter 13 the attorney says our mortgage will be saved and we can keep the house, if we file chapter 7 we have to come up with the past due amounts plus a reinstatement fee to keep our house and then file chapter 7. I am so confused as to what to do. The only one I can ask to catch up on our house is my mother and if she says no I think were stuck in Chapter 13.. Any thoughts or suggestions, trust me I feel bad enough..

The best way to spell this name...?

Ok so I have decided on the name Amy Lee as a first name but am unsure of the best way to spell it and whether to add a hyphen or not? Amy Lee, Amy-Lee, Amylee, Amileigh, Amyleigh, Amilee, Amie-Lee etc. there are tons of ways I can think of which is why I need your help! Thanks :)

What Color.........(pics)????

Those colors are real neutral so they'll match fine with just about any color...I think the first one just because I don't like the texture of the second, and the first one looks to have a bit of a darker element in it which is nice for bedrooms I think...they're similar pinks though so either would be nice!

Need some help with some sort of paper mache type project I'm thinking about doing.?

I have a collection of drawings that I've done with watercolor pencils (not paint!) which were outlined with a pilot, rolling ball ink pen. I don't want to frame them or anything so I was hoping to make a collage type of thing with some sort of paper-mache type technique. I want to put some sort of gloss or glaze or something over top to keep the color in tact and hopefully protect it from water and other random things. However, It would need to be something that won't warp the colors or smear them when it is being put on. I would like to make it on a canvas if possible. Any suggestions? Specifics for how to do it are appreciated!! Thanks!

I owe PayPal money... help?

How could you set up a paypal account in a fake name, given that part of the set up procedure involves paypal making a couple of very small deposits into your bank account...? this all sounds very odd.

What's the name of this movie?

What's the name of the movie where a kid's father dies in a war and h goes into a shock and becomes blind, deaf, and dumb, but becomes the best pinball player ever?

Is there really a difference in gaming headsets?

besides price... what separates Triton, turtle beach, astro..... and the different kinds of headsets,, to the extreme expensive to the fairly priced

Can anyone translate this from Latin to English?

Although i don't know all of the words, i do know that you start with the nominative case, then work your way through, usually using the verb directly after the subject of the sentence. Not the greatest answer, I'm sorry, but i hope it helps some.

Friend codes?

To trade/battle friends using Nintendo wfc, if i have a friend code does the other person have to have my code in oder for us to trade? Or just one person can have the code and we trade. In other words, we both have to have each other codes in oder to trade? or either of us can have 1 code??

Men's underwear question...?

Hanes and Fruit of the Loom are usually best. Why would you put a frown face for being cirsized, thats nasty if your not.

15 year-old girl kills two men in three days! Your thoughts?

Has anyone ever called you out for using heinous crimes as a basis for your theory that women are more selfish/evil than men?

How many players is the sims bustin out?

i'm going to buy the sims bustin out but i have 2 others frineds who want to play also this will only work if this game is a four player game.. "i have a multitap for my playstation 2"

Grade/College/Opinion Help???

You don't need that many extra curricular activities, just pick a few that you enjoy and do them. Enjoy high school and have fun, study for tests and do homework but don't freak out to much over grades. If you're in the top 10% of you're cl you can get into most colleges. Calculate what you need to be in this spot. If you're a guy, then try getting Eagle Scout, that helped my a lot. I got into all the colleges I applied to and I'm just at the 20th percentile. Good luck.

How about some early morning gardening?

This is so off the wall ... but this reminds me of a commercial I saw on a children's network. The animals felt really bad for this one lonely tree - a sapling actually. So they moved all of the garbage out of the area and let sunlight hit the tree. So it grew and it was a happy tree. No, I'm not getting all Bob Ross on you - but that reminded me of love.

How do I disable/uninstall Outlook Express?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Who wants to convert the Philippines into Monarchy with Parliamentary democracy?

The Sultan of Sulu as the Head of State and the Prime Minister as the Head of Government. The Kingdom will be divided into 25 States.(Ilocos, Cordillera, Cagayan, Tarlac, Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, Bulacan, Manila, Cavite, Batangas, Laguna, Bicol, Mindoro, Palawan, Samar, Leyte, Cebu, Bohol, ******, Panay, Agusan, Davao, Lanao, Cotobato, Zamboanga and Sulu.)

What is the best game (or games) i should buy? (xbox360)?

i am looking for a good game to buy for the xbox 360 i already have codwaw,battlefield bad company, battle field bad company 2, codmw2,codmw, burnout, poker, condemned 2 bloodshot, resident evil 5, ratatouille,madden 08, ncaa 08 football, champ. paintball 09, sonic hedgehog

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

This girl who was crazy about me enrolled at my school again. i kinda like her?

First things first, you really shouldn't have been mean to her at all. Appearances are one thing, but what matters is personality. If you really like her, you've got to talk to her and say how sorry you are for everything you did to her in the past (as long as it's true!) and see how far that takes you. It's likely that she'll throw it back in your face, I know I would, but it's worth a try I guess.

Only half my throat hurts and I have only one swollen lymph node?

Hey everyone. So only the right side of my throat hurts (the pain is pretty bad when I swallow, but if I don't swallow it's just a dull ache. If I talk, it stings a little bit, but not a lot) and the lymph node on the right side of my neck is also swollen. I don't have a cold or anything. Also, if I swallow, I feel a very light pressure in my right ear, but it's extremely minuscule. Any idea what's going on? I had something similar before when only one side of my throat hurt and BOTH my lymph nodes were swollen, but it went away after a couple weeks without medicine. Anybody know what this could be? Thanks!

Does the willingness to suffer for what you want and believe in prove your worth and desire to achieve a goal?

In the past and in the present some people are willing to suffer more then others to achieve their goal. Does this prove that they are worthy of the goal that they are attempting to achieve. Many groups ask for a certain amount of suffering to prove undying loyalty and to build trust within the group of each of its members. Does this work as it is intended to do so? Should the willingness of a person or people to suffer for that which they desire be used more often as a way to weed out the week and produce committed individuals that are confident in what they want. Does it matter anymore if people are committed to their: friends, family, employers, employees, town, city, state, sports teams, business partners, spouses or intimate partners. Is our willingness to not only love, respect, and honor one another of whom we wish to be within a relationship of any kind get sanctified by our willingness to suffer for what we want and need? Finally does this commitment to one another or a...

Are movies getting worse?

Yes movies are getting WORSE! The technology is getting better at making them and the stories are disintegrating to the point that they will soon be less literate than primitive cave paintings.

As a gay person how does one get closer to God without feeling immense guilt?

You have a choice gay or religion the two don't really coexist, so now you torture yourself. So you cannot change your uality unless you force your self in to being something that you are not, that's gonna do your head in in time so that's not an option is it. So looks like you gotta ditch god become a buddhist no problem there ok.

What kind of education do real estate appraisers have?

Do they have a typical college major? What other courses do they take? Is their education more "in the field" than in courses or books, or some combination of both?

Mac cosmetics nail lacquer?

It would look good with a clear coat on top, but that's as far as i would go. i bought some earlier today. it was stunning for nail polish.

Where can I buy a monogrammed robe?

Just wondering if anyone has every bought a monogrammed robe online. I'd like to get my mom one, so if anyone has suggestions? Thanks

What earrings should i get?(girls only) 10 points for best looking earrings?

well it depends, if you are looking for a Goth look i would do the black or the hoops. if you wanna be a wannabe gangsta then the silver diamond studs (god they are ugly, though!) So I hope I helped, plus you might wanna buy ear solution so your ears don't get ear-itated (haha get it? :D hahahahaha) If you just want ur ears pierced and are just going be doing casual the black studs (those are my fave btw)

Please check grammar in my essay. please help.?

I'm sorry, but grammar is the least of your problems. I couldn't begin to understand what this essay is trying to say. It needs a lot of work--you really need to sit down with a tutor who can talk to you, face to face, about this IN DETAIL.

Should an american soldier be punished for wearing a "Free Palestine" t-shirt?

The military isn't a democracy, you voluntarily sign up and take orders. The military tries to stay as politically neutral as possible for good reason, this isn't a strictly an Israel/Palestine thing.

Whats the purpose of living life if all we do is work, eat, have , and die?

I'm with you. Life is pointless. I'm not suicidal, but I wish I was never born. All I can do is try to make the best of it.

What would you do? relationship question?!?

A couple months ago my husband was giving our 1 year old a bath and his phoe was sitting on the table next to me and he got a text message. I looked at it and it was from a girl that he works with (I only knew this because her name in his phone said Janelle-work which was weird because why would he have her in ther like that?) It was a name and number I never saw before and the text said :" Hey you! What are you up to tonight?" Now I know I shouldnt have done this, but I texted her back pretending to be him and said " Nothing just home with my wife and son" Now she then texted him back things basically saying that she wanted him to come to her house and she ured him she "has no ties just an ex boyfriend" So basically at this point I was fuming and confronted my husband and it turned into this whole big argument. He swears he was only talking to her about work and had no idea why she would be texting him things like this. I texted to her from my phone then and told her it was me the whole time and what the heck is going? She told me he had given her his numner and he was the one pursuing her. She told me nothing had happened yet and she was sorry and she wouldnt talk to him anymore. I honestly believe her and he will never admit to me the truth. So basically its a couple months later and I still think about this everyday and I just want the truth and don't know what to do. Any suggestions? Should I just let it go? Or should I leave him. I get mad alot about this and we fight and acts like I am just being a b*tch for no reason.

Connections with J.R.R. Tolkien's Life ?

What connections can you make between his books 'The Lord of The Rings" or "The Hobbit?" If you know a good source, please post.

Battle of Antietam?

I know a lot, I not asking for answers to 4th grade history homework on YA! Are you competent to judge the answers you receive here?

Is it normal for my abdomen to be a little swollen a week after an appendectomy?

Its very normal to have abdominal swelling after this surgery. Its only been a week, so be careful still about lifting anything like that backpack.

What does it mean if the minute volume on a ventilator keeps alarming?

Do you mean high minute volume or low minute volume? I ume low. The minute volume is the volume of gas the person exhales in one minute. If this volume is low, it could be one of many things, including inadequate ventilator settings, incorrect alarm settings, a disconnect or leak in the tubing, dislodgement of or leak around the endotracheal tube or trach, nondelivery of gases due to high airway pressures (due to lung disease, obstruction of the tube, or fighting the vent), or the ventilator was turned off and not turned back on! You can generally figure out what is going on by looking at the patient and looking at the ventilator. If not, the respiratory therapist can help troubleshoot. It is obviously an urgent situation, and hopefully you have figured it out by the time you get this answer. :)

The chemical composition of Topaz is Al2SiO4(F,OH)2 What does that mean?

Chemistry is not my strong suit, but I'm guessing that when different kinds of Topaz are found (different state), some have fluorine, and some have hydroxide. I could be completely wrong, but it makes sense to me. So, the comma could be separating the two forms/states of Topaz.

Did conservatives who are now slamming Reid for his "knee grow" comment...?

Nope, because now we know that negr0 is fair game. Neither one offended me since I am white, I just demand consistency. If Rush is racist as the liberals say, then Reid should be too. If it is a political game, then leave me out of it. I don't condemn anyone, because I am not a politician.

I need some tips for dying my lacrosse head?

O.K. I am going to dye my head and I have done it before but i wanted to know two things (easy ten points). Now, I want to know what salt and vinegar to to the head while you are dying it and which is better for dying (personal preference is O.K) bottled RIT dye or dry RIT dye

Asbestos Exposure in School....?

You are probably in an odds area less than that for getting struck by lightning. About one in a million. The reference has some reasonable info.

Will they waive my deductable - rock chip on winshield ?

Did you call LYNX? It's probably a service they have a contract with to take care of this. It will depend on policy as to what they can and can't do. So you need to call the number they gave you or call them back and ask. There is no way anyone here could answer this for YOU as we don't have ANY WAY to know what is and is not in your policy unless you tell us (and that would not be such a good idea).

What do these dreams mean?

Sounds like your fears are being played out in weird ways in your dreams. Sometimes I know I get different dreams if I am under a lot of pressure of any sort. Your brain is perhaps trying to sort things out.

Wat r sum good anime shows?????

i want to kno if theres any good anime shows that i can watch online subbed in english. i like anime in these categories: love triangles, romance, drama, trauma and comedy with HIGH SCHOOL students. please give a description and where i can watch it. ARIGATO GUZIYEMAS(SP?)-THANK YOU VERY MUCH (I THINK?)

Monday, August 15, 2011

“Wildcat” Chris Harris?

what do u think of him going the the wwe Wildcat” Chris Harris worked tonight’s ECW/SmackDown tapings at the Allstate Arena in Chicago, Illinois in a dark match against Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin pinned Harris for the victory. Harris was said to be over with the crowd as some fans actually chanted “TNA.”

In Percy Jackson it says Percy doesnt get wet in water...?

For him to stay dry he has to think about it so im guessing before he knew he was half blood he just stayed wet. And like the person before said you should go reread that scene since I don't remember what happens exactly. Sorry.

Why no Political party/NGO talks about the need to control Population in India?

If political parties/NGO talk to people about the Need for birth control it will be real social work without any remuneration and underhand money. The aim of every single organization in India social, religious, political or any other is to collect money and misapproprite it. The government have no clear objectives. It is engaged in day to day probems of terrorism, Kashmir, naxalism, CWG scam and any other occupation which gives excuse for non functioning.There are Ministers like lalu prasad who have 13 children hence the government cannot talk of birth control to people.

How does your hangover feel?

Yesterday, I missed KatasticaI when she left. have never drank a drop of alcohol and it made me feel woozy and, what the ****** is going on. Also, if you don't know who she is, she is the one girl who looks better than Meagan Fox. Also, she has a mystical name. (K-A-T-A-S-T-I-C-A-L). WOOOW.

Please tell me what you think! If I do the following, will I be able to lose the final 10 pounds by Sept 20th?

you will lose the weight maybe even more but you still might want to give yourself a little treat once in a while so your body won't feel tortured and can keep going on the eating and exercise plan.

When it's all said and done, will Amar'e Stoudemire have a better career than Patrick Ewing?

Absolutely not. Amare has to learn how to rebound and play hard all the time. Not just in contract years. I wouldnt even mention the two players together. Patrick Ewing is miles ahead of Amare in every category.

Should I report this OB to my insurance(long story)?

I was flown down by helicopter to arrowhead hospital and got a new OB doctor to take my health case. I have preeclampsia. I am in my 35th week and recently 3 weeks ago got the steroid shots to mature my babys lungs. I got send down and had been there for a total of 10 days. Every day the docotor would come in and say one thing and change his mind ( I would see him for literaly 30 seconds). My bp was over 150/100 and my protien in my urine had been at 404 at the last hospital I had been at for 6 days. On the 8th day of being there he told me if my protein went up in the next 24 hr urine he would set a date to induce me. 2 days later he comes in and tells me it is now at 700 and my bp wasnt getting much better and started to walk out. I asked him what the plan was and he said he changed his mind hes not inducing me. I told him I was exhausted and getting some depression and when if finally comes down to do this im afraid I will be too exhausted he said dont worry once you get the epidural you will be putting your make up on and it will be a piece of cake. He also said even if he had for some reason told me if my bp went higher than 150/100 and was going to induce he he will most likely change his mind the next day... I'm thinking what good is his word? He compared me to a meth addict and said even if you were a meth addict or a cocain addict or even if you were suicidal it doesnt mean we would induce you it means we would send you to a psychiatric ward. (What does that have to do with my health case?) He said your protein in your urine did go up but even if it went up to 15,000 I woulnt induce you.....!? He said I've had patients with bp higher than 200/ (something or other cant remember the #) and I havent induced. First of all I have had heart problems my whole life and I told him that and he said you can have high blood pressure for 30 years and not die from it...... COME TO FIND OUT WHEN I STARTED CRYING WHEN HE LEFT AND TALKED TO MY NURSE SHE WENT AND LOOKED AT MY URINE RESULT AND IT WASNT 700 IT WAS 200! WELL IN NORMAL RANGE. HE SAID I LOOKED AT IT WRONG. I LEFT THE HOSPITAL AND HAVE A NEW OB WHOM I AM SEEING TOMORROW MORNING. Should I report this docotor for such carelessness for my health, mental health, and to even look at my charts for longer than 1 sec to get it right? My bp is still very very high. Just took it 157/108.

This/that girl names game?

Estelle, Abigail, Sadie, Delia, Ginger, Hannah, Jordyn, Kailyn, Lilly, Catherine, Bethany and Natalie.

Should I take my daughter to church?

I dont think there is any problem with you doing that, you are her parents you can do what you want. I went to sunday school when I was a kid and I loved it! its was fun, I got to do crafts, play games, and meet other kids. Also, like you said it does help to instill some good core values, so sure! You dont have to teach your daughter about God or Jesus if you dont want to, but it can still be a valuable experience for her

Voluntary VAT register.UK?

VAT is not a tax on profits. It is just a tax you collect on behalf of our lovely government. For your own accountancy purposes, profit etc. you can disregard the VAT. Look: Buy �100 goods and pay �115. Sell goods for �200 and charge �30 VAT. Give HMRC �15. See, you have just collected �15 tax for the government. Your part of the deal is �100 cost, �200 revenue=�100 profit.

Can somebody tell me Why J.J Hickson is considered as the future for Cleveland?

because i have seen him play and he can play but i wouldn't be going as far as to calling him the future of a team.

I am going to my first hockey game in 6 days?

Hey guys. However sad this may be, at 19 years of age, I am finally going to my first hockey game. I am going to see the Wings play the Avs at the Joe on the 15th. What should I expect while I'm there?

Exhaust squeal from close to turbo on 07 dodge dually?

over the weekend i bought an 07 dodge 3500 dully with the 5.9 mins and it has a loud squeeling noise alost like a belt going out coming from somewhere around the turbo when driven, it only happens when the turbo spools up, the dealer told me its the exhaust flange behind the turbo but im not sure if i believe it, there is no build up of black soot around the flange, any ideas? anyone had this problem? truck has just over 100,000 miles

Where can i get a good paying job around houston texas?

i am 24 yrs old and i have construction background doing layout/field engineer for commercial construction. i also have warehouse experience driving forklifts and cranes. i have an okay job now but i want a decent paying job to support my fiance and daughter. please help. no work at home or on my computer replies please

Audtion Help for Musical! I auditions this Friday and don't really know what to do.?

My school is doing Bye Bye Birdie and I really want a lead. I know the audtion songm but how should I prepare for the dancing part. I want the part of Albert Peterson...also, in the acting portion, what characteristics of Albert should I pull out and make more present than other? Please Help

I dont know what to wear helllllpppp!!!!!!?

ok,heres the deal i dont know what to wear either shorts or capris and i dont have much clothes to decide from and im only 10 years old soooo yaaa help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cant stop crying! help!?

This is very serious! first of all we need to confront the worst issue you have had: suicide. I would just like to let you know, killing somebody (like yourself) is easy, giving life back to the deceased is not. Smoking pot will just make you more depressed in the end. I mean sure it feels good for a little while, but after you're done you just feel bad that the feeling can't last forever, hence more depression. Next conflict: Popularity and Self-esteem issues. Remember, popularity isn't how much other people like you, it's how much you like your self. If you walk with straight shoulder, and your head held high, people will notice that you are proud of yourself and will think "wow! that girl/guy really sees themselves as somebody to be proud of!" then they will see you as somebody cool. Third problem: family. It seems to me that you are going through a mine feild of emotions with them. I think it would be a good idea to sit down with them and tell them that you are having troubl controlling your moods right now and apologize in advance for what you might say at a later date. Askfor some grace while you are in this state of mind. Fourth item: uncontrolable crying. It depends on what you are crying about. If you don't know, then I suggest that you find a place where you can be alone and mabey three times a day go to a peacefull spot (a park or a beach) and let it all out there. It is all right to cry! pretty soon you should be able to with stand only two times a day and eventually you won't need to go any where at all, because you won't need to cry as much! It will take some time for this process to work, but f you stick with it I think it will go away eventually. If you don't want to go to your parents, then I suggest you go to your doctor or a phsycologist (not a phychiatrist). I hope you are able to overcome your depression!

Weight Loss Help Tips!?

Hi. I've been working out since the end of June and for the whole summer I went to the gym every other day the whole summer long. I was also on a protein diet. Now that its school time I go at least 1-2 times a week. I've noticed improvement with my muscle but I can't see it because I still have access fat covering it. I have man but now I feel a strong chest muscle but its still covered with fat. Same with my stomach. I feel abs but I have some chub covering it. When I go to the gym I mostly work on biceps triceps pecks abs and I swim 20 laps back and forth. I'm 16 and I weight 155 pounds. I'm also 5'11. Are there any tips that you can tell me that will help me lose this extra fat covering my pecks and abs?

Why wont you poop after eating an MRE?

They give me diarrhea. Apparently it's the opposite for everyone else. They are absolutely LOADED with calories though so that you have energy. pretty bad for you.

What do you think about the religion that cuts off woman's nose?

Does that not send shivers up your spine? Obama seems quite comfortable with it. Did he make a squawk about it?

How can I recycle like this?

go to to find a local recycle center, you can usually use the contact information to learn how and if they pay.

Teens: What shock sites have you been to?

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

A question about bodywash?

Does the bodywash scent come off after you rinse off completely? I've had times where I think I washed so much the smell came off..but what's the most ideal way to keep your bodywash on? Do you want to dry off with some 'lather' on or dry off when it's completely off?

Where can I find some pictures of men wearing dress shoes?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How many watts does a Raptor 660 stator make?

I have a yamaha Raptor 660r, and i just put on some new lights. I was wondering oh many watts the stator produced so i can be sure that the battery is still being charged while im riding, and not all the power is going to the lights

Volunteering for medical study?

Go to any research university and request to see a research professor. He/She will see you and will help you too...

I need help with my boyfriend!?

Okay so my boyfriend just left to go to Bangladeshies where the purple monkey's with green stripes throw poop at the Native Americans which ends up killing us and Jared and Wanda are there too at Pichicho Peak. So I think he is having an affair with the green haired hazelnut governtment cats of the Native American Gangster that ate off his weinus! Yes, his weinus. Alright anyways, he told me he was going here but i looked on the map and there was no such thing as this place!!! What to do!!??!!?? PLEASE HELP!

Was I harred by this landlord?

I'm sorry... I just don't believe any of this. If it is true, then call the police. Most people would have done that the second they were away from the guy.

Christians, Misinformation No.18 on Tithing - "Twenty-percent Penalty on Unpaid Tithes "?

Tithing is sick. I had a young woman dying of leukemia and I happened in to hear the pastor at her about paying her tithes. He was not permitted back.

How much can fruit pickers earn a week in Queensland?

My roomie and I are looking to do T weeks of fruit picking somewhere in Queensland. We both truly are very hard workers. How much can we earn up to. What fruit is in season at the moment? Is accomodation paid for? Food?

What do you think of a subway series part II in the world series?

I think the mets will get there with the revamped bullpen, but what about the yankees as long as they get one more starter and a bat

Gals - A world champion sumo wrestler falls in love with you and becomes so mad and obsessed?

with you that he says he will commit suicide if you do not marry him. Would you go ahead and marry him ?

Question about my dog! PLEASE HELP.?

Seven is not old for a chihuahua. It's probably about the same age as your mom. It does sound like he's having seizures. He needs to go to a vet. There is medicine that they can give him to control the seizures.

How much is the chewing gum actually?

All I wanted to do was purchase a 35cent pkg of juicy fruit gum.But the stupid cashier said 50cents.The price of 35cents was on the pkg.She said she could charge whatever.WHAT?This was at a Shell station.

Medical coding and billing in Nevada?

Do you need to be certified to be a medical coder in Nevada ? Even if you don't, what test would I have to take?

A poem of awareness?

A breathlessly hard hitting start and a thoughtful, sensitive end...I love this. The concept of "spiritual autopsy" is innovative and meaningful. So many of your poems are spiritually enlightening. I appreciate that. Thank you.

What is in/on my cat's eye?

no its not a corneal abrasion. its simply that one of their tear ducts are fully open yet just give about a week or 2

What do i do about a manipulative mom?

when i was a teenager, my mother was an alcoholic that cheated on my step father while he worked to pay the bills. there was a lot of abuse in our home, and in order to cover up her own mishaps and keep the spotlight off of herself, my mother made me out to be a terrible child. it caused a lot of emotional damage. now i am a 24 year old mother of 2. i had my oldest son who is 6 at 18. he was born early with a medical condition weighing 2lbs 9oz. when i first brought him home at 4lbs, i was terrified of him, and his father never really helped me. i realized i just wasn't ready for it and felt like a terrible mother. i was never a party girl, and i never did drugs (i don't smoke or drink to this day and could care less for it). i've been more to myself and stayed away from trouble. i've always been the type of girl in search of the family i never had and played a little house wife since i moved out at 15. bringing home a baby at 18 was overwhelming. so my parents being the only people i had for help, i decided the best thing to do was to ask my mother. she raised my son the first year of his life as i struggled to put our little family back together again. from the first day i asked her for help, it was if she acted like he belonged to her. i even found out she was going around telling people he was hers and never anything different. i just brushed it off as one of those new proud grandparent jokes. when he was 2, i realized what i had been missing and spent a lot more time with him. he did stay with my parents more often them myself as i ended a 5 year relationship with his father and moved into a new relationship with someone i wanted to make sure would love not only me but him as well. with my new relationship established, we started our own little family with my son. my mom still tried to act like she was in charge and sometimes i would give in to avoid the drama. i now also have a 2 year old, and we have a great little family, but my mom is still pushing it. last year my 6 year old started school, and so far my mother has knocked me out of going on every field trip with him, is pto mom, shows up at every little function they have (she sent my dad on "dad's lunch day" along with my son's step dad), shows up to pick him up for school the same time i am waiting in the parking lot for him, and she even took him to the dentist to have his 2 front teeth pulled out and didn't tell me until i picked him up at the end of her weekend. it is really starting to get to me, and i don't know what to do about it because my mom always threatens to have ssi and ebt benefits cut off if i even so much as not let her see him when she wants. she's offered me money for him and said i could even keep his ssi and all other benefits if only i would let her have him (that's just sick!). it's not about the money! it has never been about the least not to me. after all, when she kept him his first year, she also lied to the state saying i lived with her as well drawing child support on me until i was 19 (she begged me to go to college so my dad would have to pay longer, but i caught on), ebt benefits on me, and i let her keep my son's ssi check because i knew he needed it for things that he needed. i have to admit it did freak me out when she was setting up a crib at her house while i was pregnant and setting one up of my own at my home (and i'm not talking just throwing together something for him to sleep in. she bought bumpers, curtains, wall art and all!). i'm at wits end and ready to pull my hair out. i've never had help with my now almost 2 year old. he's been with me since day one and never been baby sat for more than 2 hours. i now regret my decision of ever asking my mom for help and admitting i was too young. i appreciate her help, but i was hoping she would understand that with time i would come to my senses and grow up. i hate that she has to be in control of everything even after i have proven myself to be a fit parent, and i feel like she may be going through a midlife crisis and is clinging to my child. any advice for me?

Really serious problem with girlfriend?

I've been through the same thing and did exactly what you were going to do. There are women out there who are always looking for that fairy tale life and don't figure out what they have now is the thing there looking for. First don't sure her your emotions because she really won't care about it and will try and say anything to defend herself. Just go straight up to her and ask her if she has feelings for her ex. Don't tell her how you know and how you feel about it or how you figured it out. It's time to act like adults and not do any of that high school drama stuff. If she denies it then just walk away and don't say anything. Yelling at her and say bad words will not solve anything. Just give her cold shoulder. Silence will be the worst thing that she will ever go through. Because with silence she won't be able to make up excuses for herself and won't be able to wiggle her way out of this situation by trying to throw it back at you. do not talk to her or have any contact. Give it some time like 2 weeks or even more until she comes out and tells the truth. If she does not tell the truth and doesn't try to contact you then she really doesn't love you and I would advice you to leave that relationship. If she does come and tell you after the two weeks then its your decision to see if you really love her and if you can make it work. That's all i have to say. Just don't Blow up on her or tell her how you got the information because you will be putting the ball in her court then. Just walk and show no emotion. Don't be sad or happy. Give a blank face so she doesn't know how you feel. If she loves you she will tell the truth and take full responsibility for her mistake and then it's up to you if you want her in your life... GOOD LUCK BRO. JUST know that there are many other women in the world that will show you true love

My friend was indicted for 6 counts of forgery can she call and set up a court date before turning herself in?

She is pregnant and now lives several states away. She doesn't want this to stay on her record and wants to get it resolved quickly. But she's worried that she might get sentenced to jail time and none the less wants to spend any time in jail while awaiting trial or after her sentencing. Plus, being that she lives a few states away she'd be on a time schedule. What can she do?

If the university is UGC recognised it's offcampus center also become UGC recognised?

If the university is UGC recognised it's offcampus center also become UGC recognised . Please help me !

Is Nature's Secret Super Cleanse a healthy or good cleanser to use?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How do I get my license back in Illinois after the suspension is over?

It was suspended for one year and now its un-suspended. Do I have to pay for some sort of reinstatement fee? Do I have to apply for my license back? This is for the state of illinois. Thanks in advance!!

What does this dream mean, and, why do I keep having it?

maybe bob and john are drifting apart and bob is getting closer to you. the hanging probably represents betrayal and hate at a good point in your life (the balcony) bob supports you, john doesn't. if these are real people then you need talk to them together to prevent this from happening

Ladies & Guys, What would you think of this guy?

im like that and im 19 and still a virgin. go for him and see if it works out. I have had a few girlfriends but none of them led to . I do more than this guy sounds like but I think that type needs girls and usually they dont get them. IF your a girl who wants to date him than you should give it a try. You never know he could open up to you

What would you do if you discovered your girlfriend was a prostitute?

As long as she is not still doing that or has and STD is ok. And I'll just be interested on asking her why and stuff.

Can I use a baby suppository for constipation?

It can't hurt, but the medicine is meant for a baby, so it may not be enough for an adult. You may stimulate your bowels enough just by inserting it. You may also want to try drinking some hot tea or coffee, that sometimes helps.

SANYO Incognito through Boost Mobile. Internet problems. Anyone having this problem?

I just got the SANYO Incognito through Boost Mobile. Text and calling works fine. The only draw back is that i can't get onto the internet. I.E visit web sites. I am able to check my hotmail but when it comes to surfing it's a no go. I know many people say that this company sucks but with 50 bucks a month for unlimited talk text and web why cry about it. I just want to know if even one person has had this problem and if anyone has gotten around this.

False negatives on pregnancy tests?

i'm just curious if anyone has had any experience with this or knows how common it can be. i've had a few friends who have said things like they never showed up positive on a urine test, only during a blood test and another who didn't show for three months with a urine test, ect. i'm over two weeks late now (usually have a pretty normal cycle, with terrible cramps and everything) and just took the test a couple hours ago. i plan on taking the other one when i first wake up since apparently your hcg levels or whatever are higher in the morning then later in the day. i had a uti a week or so ago, i was taking azos, any idea if that could effect it? or how long i should wait to take my next urine test? i have a doctors appointment coming up and plan on requesting a blood test if i still haven't started. i've just been feeling off, my body feels different. my / have been unbearably sore for weeks, for awhile my where actually itchy for awhile! i constantly feel exhausted and will randomly get SO sick. for awhile i was getting strangely dizzy, headaches. i don't know. i know what i really need to do is be patient and wait and what not, i'm honestly not even that stressed, just curious. for some reason i just have my doubts with the test. anyways, thanks in advance on any information or experience you can throw my way : )

Has anyone else got sick from using palmolive phosphate free dishwashing detergent?

we got this detergent after moving to our new house. we never had a dishwasher before and I wanted to buy as environmentally friendly as possible. soon after moving in we all started getting very sick. diarrhea and vomiting. it would p and than come back a week later. our 4 year old was the sickest. the doctors couldn't find anything wrong. we were starting to freak out. we made a lot of changes at the same time one of which was switching detergents since it left a chemically tasting residue on everything. i didn't really think that was it, but we stopped getting sick. than recently a friend told us if we used jet dry it wouldn't leave a residue so I bought palmolive phosphate free again. even with the jet dry it left the same residue on everything and we all got sick in the exact same way again. we stopped using it right away and we all got instantly better. what do you guys think. i'll never use that detergent again regardless, but i'm curious to see if this has happened to anyone else.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Does anyone know what the hours of a hotel restaurant server would be?

i want to apply at the marriott as a server, but i don't want to even bother with it if the hours are not what i can work.

HELP?! Help me find this word?

Okay, uhhm Ima try my best to describe it. Please help me figure what it is. Okay, so this is a really old thing that they did along time ago. Like when people committed a crime, they would do punishments. They would put peoples head in a hole, and like drop a blade from the top, to decapitate the head, what is it?! I know it starts with a ''G'' i think!

How could someone not my friend on facebook, be in my chat window.?

It was someone I knew too, not just like a random person. So weird, oh and then when I went to click on thier profile Internet exploer crashed. I right clicked open in new window view profile, and it closed and it said was closed to protect computer. The name was Meagan Lear, someone I knew in High School

Good romance series books like Evermore for 17yr old?

iv read evermore and just finished blue moon loved them! and ofcourse twilight my favorite books! i love the romance books like those! any suggestions! im gonna go buy one today! ( i like series)

Are Sicilians caucasian or not?

Im half Sicilian and some people consider me caucasian others do not. Been pondering this for some time? Any ideas?

Is Our Society Screwed Up? (abby sunderland)?

Its not the society, its certain people that are screwed up. Not all people are screwed up or do dumb things either. As far as the rescue price, someone will have to pay so it will be them most likely unless they have some pretty good insurance.

If WWE did a 3 DVD Sgt. Slaughter set what would you include?

I don't know if I could come with enough to fill three discs, but off the top of my head Mid Atlantic against Wahoo McDaniel, all televised matches with the Iron Sheik, I believe their was one on All American Wrestling 2/84, then I believe 4/84 at MSG, 5/84 MSG, at least one other regular match at the Capital Centre, and then the 2 bootcamp matches the Cap Centre one and the famous MSG one on 6/16/84. I would include the Wrestlemania match against Hogan, The Desert Storm match against Hogan at MSG. Match against Flair from AWA. The alley street fight against Patterson from MSG 5/81. That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

Convert CAA to FAA?

How I can covert any flying License to FAA? Do I have to come to the States to do that? is there anyway to do it while I am in other contries?

How to be nice(business)?

I think the first step is really ... to like people, you know. Smile always works but works better when you mean it when you smile, saying good morning, evening... and trying to learn their first name and use it in your next meetings is also a good way. And something else, is really caring about them. People very well understands who really cares and who does not.

What is the cheapest transportation to go from Taipei to Keelung (JiuFen)?

Catch the Juifen bus from the Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station. It goes from just by the top of (I think) Exit 4 (the exit at the north-west corner of the Zhongxiao Fuxing crossroads - check the map in the MRT station, because under the map is a list of bus stops and destinations), outside GNC health shop. It goes approx every 20 minutes, takes an hour and a bit, and the last one home to Taipei from Juifen is at around 9pm.

Where can I buy " Davies Gate " soap?

Marriot hotels use Davies Gate body and facial soap , and I really like it. I looked on the davies gate website but they dont sell any sort of soap on there . Anyone know where i can get it?

Isn't the rising National Debt a win-win situation for us liberals?

This sarcastic proposal is frighteningly close to something proposed by one of Reagan's advisors (I forget who) who said that running a deficit makes it easier to cut social programs. That was one of the reason Reagan was willing to cut taxes so severely that it helped spark the huge deficits we've been saddled with ever since, deficits that only get around zero in the best of economic situations and are enormous in the worst of economic situations, rather than the general trend of reducing the national debt as a percentage of tax revenue over the course of the 35 years between WWII and Reagan's presidency.

Reference to: Self-Reliance PLEASE HELP TRICKY QUESTION?

You can only be yourself. Attempts to replicate another's achievements lead no where. As you go through life, you must utilize your own skills, knowledge and individual strengths to accomplish anything. You have your own role to play in the world, and that is your lot.

I have a B.S. degree and want to join the military, is it a wise decision?

I have been looking to make a change and I am curious about the military. I am a female and am very hard working and would be dedicated to whatever I get myself into. That being said, I have a B.S. degree in Psychology and graduated *** Laude (3.7 GPA). I have been told by some enlisted guys that they believe I would go in as an officer. I haven't talked to a recruiter because I know they are biased in the information they give and would like an answer from a very blunt person. I want to join because I know the discipline and level of organization is something I respect and I would love to conduct research in the sciences in this environment. Being able to help by using my expertise and love of research, teaching and finding answers is something I want to do. I have no qualms about learning to use a gun or the possibility of going to a foreign country, I just wouldn't want to be an infantry. I have never taken the ASVAB. Just wondering if anyone has experiences in the same field or as any advice.

Plz plz plz answer me.... Will i ever b able to improve my style of walking?

I have posted this question several times before. I am a teenager and my walking is considered weird by others. I think of improving it. I experience no gait problem or scoliosis.I have fed up by hearing all those rude comments from others. I got used to my current style of walking. So, will I ever b able to change it if I try? I am dieing for a solution. Plz Plz plz suggest.

If I were to buy a movie ticket a day before the show....?

I'm probably buying a ticket online from Fandango. Does it print out the ticket, or is it mailed to me? Just wondering, cause I wanna see this one movie very badly that's only showing tommorow night, and I wanna know beforehand before it's sold out.

Names with different spelling.?

.So my friend has been told the meaning of a name depends on how the name is spelt. She keeps asking how true this is but I have no answer for her Lol for exsample the mame Crystal can be spelled Crystal,Krystal, Kristal, Christal (and more ways) so all different spellings will have a different meaning? I didnt know the spelling of a name had anything to do with the meaning of the name. Thanks for any opinions.

Where can I find the Common Application for college?

I tried to google it but got too many different things, I'm a senor and trying to get this done before senoritus kicks in. Can someone please give me a link, I just don't want to fill out the wrong one. Im from CT if that makes a difference (Im saying this because when I googled common appliction, a texas one came up and i didnt know if state mattered)

Need advice on how to be friends...?

My friend and I had this weird overtly flirty relationship over the past year yet nothing happened. We got into a fight and did not talk that much over the summer. I was able to get over him this summer. Unfortunately, I think I got "too over him" to the point that I don't even try to make eye contact or keep the conversation going when we talk. Am I just over truly him or is this a way of masking my hurt feelings? Any suggestions on how to be friends with him again?

International text?

If I register my cel phone number with Yahoo Go will I be charged for international instant messages?

Did i p 7th grade?

I go to laguna middle school 7th (grade) in SLO ca and I have a 59.7 in english but on my report card it says D- and I have a C+ in math. Did I p 7th grade?

Blackberry Internet Service and 3G on Idea?

Go to Manage Connection then press Mobile Network Options. Then there will be something below where you will be picked or whatever if you want to activate your 3G and 2G. You can pick both by the way. After that you're good!

What do you think about that introduction of a story?

Its very interesting =] But you need yo use full stops more, and you need to know where to use them. The description is good also ^_^ Good job.

How do I believe that there is a purpose to life?

I'm 21 and a part of me is a extremely nihilistic and basically thinks there is no point to life. We live and then die...what we do in between doesn't even matter. This is kind of comforting in a way, because if it all doesn't matter, then that gives us freedom to do whatever we want. Another part of me is not happy with my nihilism, and does want to find meaning and purpose in life. A part of me doesn't care if I work some clerical job for the rest of my life..and that's it. And then a part of me what's to do great things. How do I reconcile my nihilism?

What are some tips for reading Shakespeare?

I am currently reading King Lear and it is confusing at times. I don't want to spark note it either i want tips on reading the language please :)

What is the name of the movie where Selma Blair was a " Serial Killer "?

Selma Blair was on a college campus. She took male students to a vacant building that had a swimming pool in the basement. She would hit the guys in the head and dump them into the water.

Why would someone do this to me when i was driving?

So i was headed home from the movie's tonight and i ped some guy who wanted to do 40 in a 60 and then after i ped him he wanted to tailgate me so close that i couldn't see his headlights and he followed me home and thank god i live in a gated community but i don't understand why he did this it scared me shitless to the point that i called the sheriffs office.

Are Black People Just Aliens From Another Planet Here To Inbreed And Take Over The World?

Why does this even matter to you?+ bet even if we all look the same,there would still be racism,because human beens have a stupid mentality(generally speaking)

Any free community swimming pools in Maryland?

Germantown swim center. i believe they have an indoor pool. i have had swim meets there, its basically in the SoccerPlex, just go there and follow the signs. you can go tho the outdoor pool too(but you need a FREE p), its at kingsview and clopper rd. imin arlington but my sisters live in germantown and we all have little kids andd visit alot, especially in summer

Who did the best cover of Me and Bobby McGee?

Of course, Kris Kristofferson wrote it and sang it originally, and Janis Joplin did the best known version. But it's been covered by many others, including Roger Miller, Jerry Lee Lewis, Gordon Lightfoot, Pink, etc. It's one of my favorite songs, and I can almost see Bobby McGee slipping away up near Salinas, while his/her lover mourns and wishes he/she could have one more yesterday. I could post links, but there's so many! What's your favorite?

Help me get online!? My zipcode is 97362. Even 30kbps, or so... ?

The local phone company charges 50 dollars month for high speed internet, plus $85 dollars an hour for any phone repair work done inside the house. No offense to them, but can I get something cheaper? I'm not even that into high speed, I just want reliable service. and stuff, see? Sell me cable too, if you can do it all in a cheap bundle. Help and all answers deeply appreciated. Thank you for reading this. ;

Friday, August 12, 2011

Why are so many people OK with ?

It's a sign of the times. There has always been in one form or another throughout history, but not as much as now. As we get closer to the end of times this and other sins will increase.

Do you think that the games of Jak & Daxter have a environmental message?

I was curious to know if anyone out there thought the same as me. I mean it seems that it is pretty obvious that the games do a have a environmental message. After all you do got to save the plants from dark Eco in Jak & Daxter The Precursor Legacy and Jak 3 again. Even though its a game, it seems to me like it has a environmental message. With out the plants we could not survive!

My wife has a 2004 saturn vue,?

When she filled up with gas the other day she didnt tighten the gas cap down all the way causing the service engine soon light to come on. I tighten the cap but the light is still on, does anybody know how to reset the light or does it just take time to go away by itself?

Should this go toward the police?

My daughter said her teacher asked her to take off her clothes for a piece of chocolate, she got the chocolate and said her teacher let her ride his horsey leg and he peed. Should this go toward the police??? The teacher was a guy about 35 years old. My daughter is in second grade.

Was I right to act like this towards this girl?

I was getting to know a girl from my french cl and kind of had a crush on her. Anyway we went out in July on a kind of date, although she brought one of her friends along. She was totally mean to me all evening long, ignoring me, laughing at me, looking at my clothes like they were crap (I got a new shirt for the date), yawning every time I spoke, scowling at me etc. I got very upset. Then last night in the pub, I saw her for the first time since that night and I was rude to her. She came up to me and said hello in quite a friendly way but I just said hi back and then walked off and ignored her. I think she got upset by this. I feel like I acted rudely but that night in July totally put me off her and kind of made me really hate her. I feel like I acted so rudely last night. Did I act right.

Isn't Thai tea supposed to be black?

I just bought a package of thai tea at an asian market and it is green tea and tastes nothing like the thai tea I have had at restaurants! Isn't Thai tea supposed to be black tea? Chai with evaporated milk tastes much more like thai tea.

Is this a good birthday gift idea?

Ok so i got a giant poster board and i'm going to write happy birthday corinne on it with giant stencils and sharpies. how should i decorate the rest? suggestions? i was thinking like a tie dye design outwards with small cutout pictures of me and her mixed in. thoughts suggestions?

How can one contact SKIDROW?

Knowing one of them personally, I can tell you this much: They are very secretive and are very careful about giving out any kind of contact information. They are already being hunted by investigators for what they did to Ubisoft, and by other hackers looking for kicks. Any help they do accept is handled on a very limited and individual basis and is anonymous only. You're better off just finding something better to do.

What are some long/unique names?

My sister is pregnant with twins and she likes names that are long and unique, like Aurelia for a girl or Kasimir for a boy, but she needs one more girl and one more boy name, because she doesn't know what gender combination the twins will be. Any suggestions?

Writing a thesis?

can you tell me how I would write a thesis explaining the ways in which Italian Renaissance humanism trransformed ideas about the individual's role of society?Or explaning what developments led to the spread of Renaissance ideals across Europe during the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries??

How do the nyx cream blushes come?

Yes that's how they come i've order their cream blushes before and they don't come with a plastic wrap. Don't worry about the air bubbles that just means that the product is fresher but their's nothing wrong with it trust me, sometimes some come smooth and of course once in a while one could be like that with air bubbles or even a different 'look' on the top of the formula.

Are buick gs good cars?

Yes great cars, the 400 are fairly expensive, compared to 350 , The best buy right now is still stock standard 69 to 71 skylark 350, 4 barrel, but convertible,you can still pick them up for approx $10,000 and you will never loose because when the top goes down the price goes up , but get one with rust free body, . But if you can afford a gs yes yes yes yes -------------.

Is there any one who is corgi registered?

i am becoming a corgi engineer but i need on the job evidence i need to service and install gas appliances and take photos for evidence is there any one who can help me please- I'm from bedford and willing to travel 30/40 miles away PLEASE HELP THANKS

What does this quote mean?

What is inferred is that the strongest type of strength is not brute force, such as guns and warfare. Instead, it is human will, such as ideas and beliefs. Gandhi would know this as well as anyone, as his ideas, strength of character and will, and pive resistance overcame the military occupation of a foreign force. Ultimately, human will shall overcome any and all physical force of man.

Preschool Moms, any suggestions?

My 2 1/2 year old son will be starting preschool Monday at Children's Courtyard. I'm a little nervous. He's never been in daycare before and he's attached to a pacifier. Will I look "panicky" if I pop up at his daycare everyday for an entire week, just to check up on him? Without him spotting me, of course. How will I be perceived by the teacher and director? I've heard the teacher's usually advise parents to leave the pacifier at home. I'd probably bag it and hand it to the teacher just in case he has a meltdown (I guarantee one). Please help.

It is good to have mercury, arsenic, cadmium in drinking water?

As you have probably figured out by now, the answer is no. These elements are sometimes called 'heavy metals'. They are all poisonous to humans, and they have the nasty property of bio-aculation...they build up in your body faster than they can be dealt with (excreted or metabolized). All municipal water supplies test regularly for these toxins, to make sure they don't exceed a 'safe' level.

Why there is only ncw ( national commission of woman ) no ncm ( national commission of man) in india?

You say right.................but if you want some help on this go center Delhi -Tis Hajarie Court...........there is a accociation - Patni Pirith Sangh - they helps you in any law and police matter.............

Would it be wrong to cut all ties with my Mother In Law?

MONSTER IN LAW!!!!wow and i thought my mil was bad...tell her to get lost and quite interfering with your life ....seriously just stand up to her dont let her yell at you guys or boss ya around...and if that dont work...restraining order!


How do you get rid of inner thigh fat and calve fat and arm fat and belly fat? So basically everywhere. Whats the fastest way to get rid of fat.

My mom doesnt want me to be serious with a guy until I accomplish my dream...?

i really really really want to be an anthropologist when i finish college. i want to travel to a lot of differnt countries and study cultures and learn languages and write about those sorts of things. my mom understands how much i want to do this and she said to not get too serious with any guy until i accomplish my dream. i want to get married some day and have a family. is it really a good idea to make my dream come true before having a family?

Whats your stance on the drug war?

The war on drugs will never be won until people start to take responsibility for themselves and others. It is the recreational rich and arrogant users that are the backbone of the illegal industry and as long as they consider murders in Mexico as a price worth paying for their hits, nothing will change. The police will never win the war because it is not in their interests to win the war. For as long as they can demand and receive ets they will continue to avoid ending it. It comes down to education and that's a no-no as far as the West is concerned. If people want drugs, it because the politicians have failed, either on purpose or though negligence, to bring the level of education up to the standards required. We all should be free to take drugs if we wish to but we should be taught what the social cost is going to be but ultimately the politicians are going to have to bite the bullet and legalise and control the whole process.

What are some good Korean and Japanese bands I can listen to on youtube?

Hello!I just love Korean and Japanese bands.I want to know some more.I already listen to Big Bang , 2NE1 , Girls Generation (SNSD) , TaeYang , DaeSung , G-Dragon , T.O.P , Senguri , Park Bom , StereoPony , Fripside , &&ect.If you know anymore please tell me(: Bye!

Why salamander can regeneration injured limb?

what is the main different between salamander and other mammels about the regeneration injured limbs

I am 5ft tall and i was wondering if a ktm 85 sx would fit?

Before a had a Honda xr80 and ive grown out of it so im looking for a bigger bike, and i dont race.... Any suggestions?

Which of these songs...?

"My Endless Love" by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross first I really think that song is pretty and second I think I'm with my own endless love right now.

What are the best basic biology texts?

I have been trying to acquire a strong understanding of the basic sciences but have had trouble finding good books on biology. I understand very little biology as it is. I'm not looking for a textbook or anything that is geared towards a cl. I have found books about physics and chemistry which are exactly like what I'm looking for (about a thousand pages, both under $15, and they leave the reader with an understanding of these fields equivalent to if they had taken an entire intro series in them in college for a year) in Issac Asimov's Understanding Physics and Linus Pauling's General Chemistry. I am trying to find the equivalent to these in biology. Thanks for your recommendations!!!

Australian question. Who thinks Tony Abbott will be a great choice as leader of the Liberal party?

At least that should ensure we don't hear from them for even longer. Ha! Ha! Sorry. I can't help it.

Is this normal for 4 1/2 weeks pregnant?

I Know 4 1/2 weeks is very early for any symptoms but I have been experiencing all kinds of symptoms since I was 2 DPO. Just wanted to make sure that mild cramping at this time is normal. I have been experiencing period like cramps all day (they come and go) also my back is hurting a bit. I believe the backache is from my that I sware have gone up a cup size in the past week lol....

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What is/was your childs "comfort object" and when did they stop carrying it or do they still?

My 3 year old has to take her comfy blankie (a queen size comforter we had before she was born) every morning when she goes to Mimi's. Mine was a stuffed musical donkey (I still have it)

Why Are Dumb People Like Bill Maher Allowed To Have TV Shows?

The guy is so mean and so dumb and rude, I don't understand why he has a TV show? Shouldn't he be flipping burgers or something instead with his level of intelligence?

When the end is upon you all, when the final judgement is being made...?

When the vortex to the endless abyss is open, what will you do? Will you cry for mercy and beg for your god? Yes, yes I will delight in the end result....the onslaught.

Advice on buying a house please?

Hello, I have just put an offer in on a house and had it accepted. The survey has come back with a few concerns - the side of the house has damp from a drain pipe which has overflowed on many occasions. The surveyor has said the sale can proceed but has suggested that maybe a floorboard joist in the front of the house may be rotten, due to the damp, and the back kitchen has a concrete floor. I think the flooring in the kitchen has been replaced because of rot. Its a 1930's 2 bed house in Shorpe with a side door so if anyone knows if this is the case please let me know. Also any advice on how to proceed and get it checked out without spending more money would be great! Thanks

Is this a good trade?

I think team 2 got a better deal because JJ hardy is doing very well right now and Beltran is Beltran. Carlos will have another great year because he has speed and power.

Why can't people on Y!A read?

Most of us can in fact read. People focus on the part that interest them the most, the more information you add to the question the more attention you draw to the added details. I would try separating the two and ask them as separate questions, you might get more direct answers. Good luck :)

Would you continue to use this company...?

I had that problem with an after market supplier one time. Trouble is if you drop them they come back to see why you dropped them. Call his company's head quarters and ask to speak to his boss. Tell the boss you have what you need from their company and would appreciate no more visits and interruptions from field salesmen. Throw in there that it's effecting your productivity in a negative way. They'll get the salesman straight for you.

Why do men think I'm amazing and are scared shitless of it? ?

why is it that when a guy really likes me, we get close and when we have , right in the heat of pion he will look me straight in the eyes and say "how much he likes me and that I scare him" not just once, but a few times, when we have at different times. "I'm so scared of you" are the exact words. or that "I'm such an amazing women that it scares him" ? ? ? Confuse the hell outta me! ! ! One man ok, an oddity, but over the years everyone of them? They like me so much they get scared so can't stick around? Wthell? I don't get it! Thought we all would want someone amazing In general! Can a man pls yes tell me your logic with this response to someone you think is am amazing woman or during intimacy? And how do I handle it? I always ask "what? Why are you scared of me? " answer "I just am, I'm scared of you"

Do women find it unattractive....?

Hmm personally I HATE hairy chest on guys. Don't really care if it's shaved or not in the private area, just clipping it is more than enough there :P

Please help me edit my resume...thanks. looking for an Acct.internship, thanks.?

Very good resume. Couple pointers though: What was your position at Quincy College? Needs to listed. Also if you have received any recognition in a job - be sure to put it down. such as received award for increased productivity.

Is the hell doctrine preached by Christians legal terrorism?

terrorism: The threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people with the intention of intimidating or coercing them, often for ideological or political reasons.

Can The Weiner say with certitude that he never tweeted his junk to someone under the age of 18?

Should The Weiner have the police scour his twitting history to make sure no underage girls got a snapshot of his junk? After all, he was a co sponsor of a bill called something like "Stop internet ual predators act of 2007".

What is the nearest store to buy iwako erasers in simi valley,CA?plz answer?

i want to buy iwako erasers but I DO NOT WANT TO BUY ONLINE i want to buy them aat a store in simi valley or near simi valley

Which guitar should i get for around $500?

Which guitar would you recommend me to buy for around $500 give or take $50? I have an Ibanez RG350DX right now and i hate it. I like it for soloing but for power chords it sucks with stock pickups. Alos with the tremolo it never stays in tune. I was looking at a 56 Epiphone Les Paul Goldtop but some say the P-90's aren't good for metal. I was also looking at the Schecter Hellraiser with EMG's but i heard it wasn't good clean. I play: pop,rock,hard rock,little metal. Bands I play are: Guns N' Roses, Franz Ferdinand, Linkin Park, Maroon 5, Rise Against, Katy Perry, Kelly Clarkson, and Theory of a Deadman and a few more. Which guitar for around $500 should i get? Must be good for soloing, power chords, tapping, okay for shredding, wailing, etc. Please no Fenders.

What is the best wok and where can I get one?

I finally got a gas stove -- next, you guessed it -- I need a really good wok. What are your opinions of the hammered/scalloped sides on some woks? Also, any opinions on potential toxicity of copper cookware?

SAHM: What do you do when you get a jurry duty summons?

I normally wouldn't mind serving as a juror, but I have NOBODY to watch Gracee. What would happen if I just pretended I never got it? I mean they can't prove people actually receive them right? What do you do when you get a summons?

Plan to studying the guitar and music?

I'd say great, go for it, but I'm more worried about the ability to not fry your fingers for after a 3-6 hour session.

How do you critique an opera?

Just take notes while you see it about what you noticed, and throw your opinion in on what went on (based on your notes). Be as detailed and descriptive as possible!

Jailbroken ipod touch 2g 2.2.1 apps show up but cannot be opened!?

So i installed quick freedom and jailbroke my ipod touch, and than i installed mobileinstallation patch and i installed installous as well abut whenever i try and install the app it always says "unable to find executable" so i change the settings to "dirty" and than app shows up but it can't be opened. any suggestions?

Why did the nazis kill the Innocent jews?

i know the textbook anwser (the germans were depressed and wanted hitler to fix it. he fixed it and blamed the jews for all the pain) but i want you guys' opinion on what they were thinking and what may have triggered the "extermination". (please keep it clean)

How do I get a girl I really don't like anymore but might if she liked me back out of my damn head?

Once a lady gets into your head they never leave it. Think of the time you shared as a ping moment which can be a good thing. It is the ones that leave you having nightmares about for years that you should worry about

How do u think Obama came from a liberal left winger to a Reagan trickle down man overnight?

What is your theory is it that he realizes that the republican way of lowering taxes is the only way out of his hole or is he just pandering in order to get reelected?

African Grey Parrots?

We have two homes and always take our two African Grey Parrots with us. At the one house they have a huge aviary while at the other house they have a much smaller cage (double size parrot cage). They seem to enjoy the car ride but when they are put into the smaller cage they seem depressed and needy. They are also much less vocal than usual or am I just imagining it?

I got an STD at 36 wks pregnant and I never cheated but husband tested negative? WTF???

I initially would say I was not concerned because yes, it could have been picked up from a bathroom or towel.... However, when you stated your husband gets angry when the topic is brought up... FLAGS STARTED FLASHING in my mind and usually anger signals guilt. Someone made a good point is saying he does work at a Dr's office so if he had it he could have treated it without your knowledge. That would be my biggest fear. Time to tell him you HAVE to talk about this and call him out on this.... You will more than likely have your answer based on his reaction.

Have you ever purchased a live caterpillar kit?

I know you can buy caterpillars (and the whole containment area for them) in hopes that they'll survive long enough on your coffee table that they'll turn into erflies. Have any of you ever done this? Do you think it's an appropriate project for a 3 yo?

Why is Litmus paper called Litmus Paper?

The term litmus comes from an Old Norse word meaning "to dye or color." This is fitting since the lichens used to make litmus have also been used to dye cloth for hundreds of years.

Fix/rate my Synchro Warrior Deck please?

If it was me, I would run 15 syncros, all of them being different monsters, that way you have multiple effects at your disposal, and can pick and choose the monster you want to summon, when you want to summon it, for each individual situation.

How do i remove the inside door panel on a 94 saturn sl2?

Six or eight screws attach the outer plastic skin to the door on a Saturn. Remove the outside door handle, pull the window weatherstrip and remove those screws, the skin comes right off, and you will have no problem repairing the actuator arm.

Where can i find thick gauge strings?

I am currently playing a 7-string Schecter Hellraiser. What i am using now are Ernie ball's 7 string 11-14-18p-28-38-48-58. I would like anything higher than that for a 7 string, I am really going for a heavy sound, and the string still flop around for me. I was thinking maybe 12-16-24-32-44-54-62 or something along those lines. I cant find anywhere that sells abouve what i have. Any help?

I have 2 15" mtx 9500s, and a te1501d amp. It always powers up, but won't always power subs.?

I thought it was my ground, when i move it, places it sometimes works. I was told my power wire could be the problem, but i didn't see any cuts on it. I have a 200 amp alternator, tsunami 5 farad capactor? Could it be the amp not properly working?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Italian translation! Help!?

Meglio cos� noi qui siamo vicini a tutti quei popoli che soffrono maggiormente per la natura befarda. Ti auguro una serena nottata in compagnia dei sogni e delle stelle

Is there anyone more pathetic than one who steadfastly refuses to recognize the most pernicious evil today?

Because it is not politically correct to criticize Islam. But it is jolly good fun to yell 'Intolerant!' or 'Bigot!' when a Christian mentions the Name Jesus.

Why did noah curse canaan?

I'm not a biblical expert, but I think it was because Noah was disgusted by the Canaanites' inability to follow relatively simple rules (commandments). The disobedience theme recurs throughout the Old Testament.

Help please ...I'm trying to help my daughter with her homework...?

the question is..'Identify and explain two reasons why girls may be invisible in sociological studies of youth subculture. ' and as my daughter has been poorly recently she has missed some lessons and got a bit behind.. Any ideas from anyone would be appreciated!

When and where (which speech) did Stokley Carmichael first refer to "institutional racism"?

Im writing an essay, and need to reference his quote, but cant seem to find where he said it. Any information about this would be great!

American History by Judith Ortiz Cofer?

if you have read the short story can you please give me a 5 sentence summary on it?? I really don't know how to write summaries haha

Can i arrange a surprise wedding in the UK?

My other half has been banging on about us getting married for years. Im not the kind of girl that is into big showy weddings...i have always said no whenever he has asked me, but i know he would love to get married. i adore him and decided id quite like to get married too....but id LOVE to surprise him. do i need to have his signature on anything to book a registry office? i really want to surprise him!

Why do I over-yse eeeverything!?

Help, I dunno what to do, every time I'm given a task, I break it down into innumerable chunks and sort them by reasons and logic. Like I'll think about what the purpose of each stage of the task is, and it's fine but I get worn out and find it hard to talk to people when I talk so much about practically nothing and get excited by things that other people aren't paying attention to. And yeah it started years ago when parents and teachers used to force me to change myself, I would yse the problem and try and find a solution, but now that the ysing has become the problem, I'm going in circles... How do I stop over-ysing and start being a normal human being?

How do I go to another planet/galaxy in M Effect?

The only place showing up is the Citadel, and when I zoom out there is nothing but the Galaxy in which the Citadel is in. How do I go to another planet because I need to go to Noveria and other planets otherwise I'm never going to get far in the game!

Is Twix still the only candy with the "cookie crunch"?

I know there are a lot of new kinds of candy bars out there now. Is that statement still true? I just can't believe it anymore.

Mature advice DESPERATELY needed?

Starting your life over is generally not a good way to look at it. Your life so far, warts and all is a part of who you are, your hobbies etc and the way you think is not something you want to change radically without seriously long and hard thought. The problem is you could find yourself in a shallow existence a few years down the line doing all the things you think you should be doing rather than doing what your heart tells you. All because you wanted a new life. Look at this as taking a new direction, be cool with everything that has happen, that's life after all and the trick is to get used to it. Imagine you're on a train at the front, un-couple those carriages behind you and wave good bye. You still had the journey but now it's time for a new experience, NOT, a new you. "New you" is a feeling rather than destination. Get going with a new job, or a new "thing" or activity, even if it's just like going to the gym or movies once a week. Something you can mark the start of this new journey with, something to call your own. Open yourself up to new experiences, say yes to something you wouldn't normally do, it doesn't have to be permanent, you never know where it'll take you.

Could you please rate my yugioh dd deck?

ok first of all R3D44 needs to go somewhere because yu-gi-oh has millions of players nationwide and is the #1 trading card game in the world. and second of all, man you got a great, powerful deck. the only thing i would change is get rid of dark driceratops for a lesser feind.

Are Christians telling lies by claiming there is scientific evidence for a cataclysmic flood 5000 years ago?

First of all the Christians like me who believe the Earth is older then the 6000 years that Creationists believe are not spitting in the face of our God for we still believe that He had a Divine hand in it's evolution. Our religious experts have mistranslated our God's creation story as believing in the literal six or seven 24 hour days of creation when our God is really referring to the last six or seven eras of modern evolution in His creation story and is not counting any of the prehistoric eras of evolution of life on Earth in His creation story. So we have miscalculated B.C. as being before Christ when in fact B.C. should be before the creation story starts. That means that the creation story is all within the common era of evolution that we are still living through today. That said there is scientific evidence out by a couple of scientists named John Anthony West and Dr. Robert M. Shoch that claim that the erosion on The Great Sphinx of Giza was caused by water and not by wind and sand. The problem they had was that when in time was there that much water in that region to cause the erosion? The only logical answer they had was the water came from the worldwide flood during Noah's flood. Noah's flood produced a large amount of water that covered the Earth for a very short amount of time, which would make it hard to date but did happen just as The Bible states it has.

How do you read ASCII code from serial port using c and writing it to a file?

I am trying to figure out how to read ASCII code from a serial port using C language and write it to a text file. Any ideas on how to do this, maybe some web links to examples, etc. anything will help.

Foxy shazam tickets at tla?

i want to go the foxy shazam show tonight at the theater or living arts in philadelphia but im not sure if i can get them at the door or not? anyone know?

Ugh, it kills me just knowing that she's with someone else.?

I've been there too once upon a time. Seriously be a good friend more then anything. Anything can happen. Just support her whatever happens, weather you eventually move on, weather she stays with him, leaves him, or even goes for you. Just be a friend.

What melts in the kiln?

im doing a mixed media project in ceramics and i want to give it a melt look to my if it melt on another piece of clay...any ideas of what i could use for the melt part?

What was with the moon last night?

How high above the horizon was the moon when it was yellow? Ash from Mt.Redoubt high in the atmosphere may be the reason, Some one in the UK said the moon looked like it was on fire, Refraction of moonlight when it''s close to the horizon often makes the moon have a red, orange, or yellow tint, but I suspect that is not what either of you are talking about. I'm in central OK and the moon was white last night about half-way up from the north-west horizon.

Parents, does help a child later in life if you teach them to read early, rather than waiting for them to be?

If you sat and read books to your child you WERE teaching him to read. In a process very much like osmosis he was learning the shapes and sounds of words while you were reading to him. Each kid is ready to read at a different age and the most important determiner in your kid's future reading is that you read to him on a consistent basis. You have nothing to worry about.

Dont i deserve to know that im being loved? :(?

Mayb that's just not his style it don't mean he doesn't feel those things alot of guys just suck at expressing themselves...drop some hints or tell him some romantic things or say "I love you" to him first you have to make an effort too you can't expect him to make all the effort

What is direct evidence of historical existence?

I'd say corroborating evidence from seperate sources with clearly unaligned motives, whether these are physical objects, inscriptions, eye-witness accounts, footprints, legends, etc.

What is the great hindrance in using hydrogen as energy source that ecxist in the water?

i mean we can get clean and cheap energy from water through chemical action by separating hydrogen and oxygen that exist in the water and can use this hydrogen and oxygen in cars and all kind of engines

I'm looking for lost friend of my named Matthew Lohbeck?

Him and I went to Irvington High school in Fremont, CA from 1992-1997. He transfered to a school. His middle name is John. He has fraternal twin bother name Aaron Todd Lohbeck. He might not remember me but my name is Connie. If you know if him please have him leave a message here. It's nothing ual. Thanks for your help.

MMA vs. Other Martial Arts. What's your opinion?

Okay...Though I dissagree with your mentality on this subject I ask you to please keep an open mind and hear me out. The UFC Was The first mixed martial arts organization. The very first ufc being held back in 1993. It first started off as an eight man tournament pitting men with various martial arts backgrounds against each ohter. There Were Styles ranging form Traditional boxing, Karate and Muy Thai Kickboxing to wrestling, shoot fighting, judo and Brazilian JiuJitsu. The Victor of this eight man tournament was amazingly the smallest man in the whole bunch. Royce(Hoyce) Grasie using BJJ. He proved that a smaller man using the right technique can overcome seemingly impossible odds. There were almost no rules mind you, Only Biting, Eye Gouging, and fish hooking were illigal. Now as soon as all of these hugh guys lost to this little guy. They Started To learn all of his tecniques too. Now Maybe not to the same level but to a degree. That Makes him Know how to defend and nullify the attacks thus making it his own type of fight. Anyway My point is that todays mma fighters are not just animals trying to overpower eachother. If you watch some fights you'll see that a lot of the time the smaller guy will win by using a good technique. Todays MMA Fighters Are a culmination of many different fighting styles that they becom very profecient in. And yes these guys are super athletes. They train at amazing levels pushing themselves physically and mentally for over eight hours a day. But all of the fighters are doing that now so you kind of have to to keep up. The point is that they deserve respect for putting so much of themselves into one thing. And The whole mixing martial arts thing. Why limit yourself to one specific art. The more tools in your tool kit the better I always say. MMA Gives Every style of martial arts a chanch to shine. The fighters only use the ones that are most effective. That is the beauty of it. It takes the best aspects of many fighting styles and puts them together leaving out the unaffective stuff.(weve all seen the karate comercials where some 100 pound girl punches and throws her instructor and you can obviously see him jump) Id like to see your monk go into the UFC and use one of your pinpoint strikes against an unwilling opponant. so many martial arts today rely on you having a partner who lets you do whatever you want to them. karate practice is no more real than the fight sceans in the Matrix. I say all of this eith the greatest respect possible. one more thing before I finish. Find someone you know who is either in highschool wresteling or has been in it. ask them how hard it was. now ask them to imagine if they had to do it eight hours a day. they will tell you it would be like hell. MMA Fighters Train Harder.

Im caught up between 2 guy?!?!?!?

okay, well i think you should pick out different qualities in each of them and see what you like better. Also try to figure out if either of them are just a crush or if you really like them, and try to notice things that make you think they like you. Once you do all this and you figure out which guy to go for tell him how you feel about him. Im in 9th grade and i know what your going through, GOOD LUCK!

More better action/the debacle are in hoodwink.?

they are safe the populace in typoon path.the official order them to leave the area and its worhty.about my point we have a phelantropies to offer a housing for pront of disaster such like typoon or tornadoe.lives or source of money you know what i mean.we avoid tramendous debacle if from the official do more important role.i apploude for that by the way.

How hard is it to swap a stock 350 manifold and carb on a 74 el camino?

I want to upgrade from a stock 2 barrel to a 750 cfm edelbrock carb and manifold. I know i have to pull the crank from under the distributor cap, but other than that, how difficult is it?

My Guinea Pigs Tooth chipped need help?

My Guinea Pig climbed up on my shoulder last night while I was playing Battlefield 1943 and he tried to hop to his cage but he smacked face first into the bars and fell on the floor. I put him back in his cage but when I checked him out later I noticed that one of his top teeth were chipped off. I also took a closer look this morning and it seems that the other top tooth is extremely loose. I have checked online that I need to feed him calcium rich food and soft veggies. Is there anything else I can do. Because is worse comes to worse. I might have to put him down humanely.

How to stop siblings from hating each other?

well, i have a brother and so ive decided what works best is keep them apart until they growup and stop hating each other. maybe you should remind them whqt they like about eachother? this sounds kinda weird, but if one of them died suddenly, the other would probably feel bad fo being mean to eachother while they were together. you could remind of that? idk. its just a brother sister thing of hating each other though. you just have to wait for them to grow out of it.

If Mongolia always invaded China in the past, how come they're so weak now?

Now Mongolia has a population of less than three million. The country is very sparsely populated, with one million people living in the capital. Nobody really speaks their language. On the other hand, China now has the third-strongest economy in the world. How did Mongolia go from being such a huge threat that the emperor ordered a wall to be built between the two countries to the desolate wasteland that it is today?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Does a Lemon inhibit Melanin?

No. Before people knew very much about skin cancer, they used to rub it on their skin to tan quicker--so no, it doesn't inhibit melanin. I wouldn't recommend doing this. If nothing else it would dry your skin terribly.

I have a question about horses in the wild?

I've heard that with Zebras young females generally get a little restless when they're breeding age, and outcast young males pick them up and form their own herd. I'd ume with wild horses it's something similar. Of course, with Zebras, several family groups coexist to form one megaherd, so a young mare doesn't exactly have to go far to find a stallion that isn't her father.

How do you use coconut oil for weight loss?

I have been working very hard in the gym and with proper diet and have lost 30lbs. I heard that coconut oil is very healthy for weight loss and i got some extra virgin, organic coconut oil from the GNC store but it is in a canister that is solid, kinda like wax. I'm not sure how to use it. I could use it to cook things with, like shrimp but I would like to add it to a smoothie (pina colada type made with yogurt and fruit) but i need some ideas on how to incorporate it into my diet. Anyone out there know what i should do?

Im hypoglycemic now what can I eat?

Im so confused the doc said just to make sure Im eating proteins with my carbs......then gives me a paper that tells me whenI have certain symptoms dink juice or hard candy. I read up and understand the protein thing I think, but it seems like a lose lose situation. I dont get enough sugar yet I should eat sugar because then my body will over produce insulin and my sugar will drop dangerously low. SO can I have a stinkin gl of juice or not? I hate this its so depressing - mainly because its so confusing. I go to my endocrinoligst (whom I have for thyroid soon) but my fam doc did the test and I feel so uninformed.....and everythign I read sounds so scary I have fasting hypoglycemia my level was 39.

Translate Latin to English??

Sorry, but this looks too much like homework, which you should be able to do by yourself. I suggest that you first translate the Latin text, which isn't very hard, and then fill in the blanks, which at that point will be easy. Here's a little help to get you started: Just remember that the verb in English usually comes right after the subject but in Latin it comes at the end of the sentence. So look at the end of the first sentence in the Latin text for the verb, which (translated into English) would go in the first blank.

Teaching in a community college?

Can most people with a masters degree teach in a community college or do they prefer to hire teachers with doctoral degrees?

Jack Welch quote..... Change before you have to!.... What do you think he means. I can`t decide.?

It is better for you to change now - when u have all the time in the world. later on, you will be forced to change - when u willnot have much time left.

Need criticism on a short piece of writing?

youre a good writer but i don't like that her last name is blake because of the anita blake series and what not.. this was alright thought i guess.. no one cares that youre 12 btw.

Perfect Birthday Cake For My Granny! Please Answer NOW!?

Since I am one too,My favorite is chocolate fudge with chocolate fudge frosting and dark chocolate ice cream.

So this girl wrote a question about what would people do in a situation of m chaos?and i think I was wrong>?

I think because nobody causes natural disasters, nobody can truly predict what will happen, and nobody can stop it, humans are more compionate.

Do you like this plot? Teen Novel, 10 Points.?

Sounds like an interesting idea. I probably wouldn't read it myself (not exactly my cup of tea), but I'm sure a lot of others would. Have you read the Clique series, though? Because your idea sounds really similar.

On Smackdown Vs Raw 2008 How Do You Update CAWs Attributes?

you go to wwe shop ang go to the boxes with the symbol of the type of superstar ur guy is (, highflyer,etc.)then u buy it and select the superstar you want to improve.(the caw statsonly go to about 80)

Im a water polo goalie?

I'm a goalie as well, in Australia. Some of my tips are that when it is a one on one situation come off your line a bit then power up and jump at them. This works very well because they are unsuspecting. if your 6"2 you will have a very strong throw so try do some weights or medicine ball drills. This all worked for me at the U/16 National Champs where I got Goalkeeper of the tournament but not everything works for everyone!! Good luck!!!

Hmm... Oswalt (going) for Matsui (coming)?

Keep Oswalt. I wouldn't rely on Ryan at all. Oswalt for Matsui isn't even close to being an equal trade.

Please give me some ideas to improve Persuasive essay about enforcing immigraiton laws between US and Mexico?

You might want to include something about the Dream Act. Especially if you want to go to college. Our government wants to give your spot to an illegal alien.

What is this rock/alternative song?

Its relatively new. It said something about a noose in the chorus. It sounded like Dead by Sunrise. Sorry I couldn't be more help but that's all I could remember.

Need serious advice on big age-difference relationship?

Hi, I apologize in advance if this is really long, this is my first time posting a question so I am not used to this. I have been dating a very nice guy for the past three months. I am enthralled by his personality and I am very physically attracted to him. I have dated many guys in the past and can honestly say that everything about this man positively stands out from the others. As any other couple, we have our trials and misunderstandings but we work on them and grow closer in the process. I love his personality, behaviour, views and attitudes on life and how he treats me with such care. The interesting thing is though-we are 27 years apart. I am 18 and he is 45. To my own surprise, we have great chemistry and genuine romantic love for each other. To me, the age difference is barely noticable because he is not the typical 45-year old I imagined; he is very mature but has a beautiful heart of a kid, he is cute and silly, takes care of his health, jokes alot and has many interests, heck he is more lively than I am! We have tried to end it before, but every time we end up being miserable/missing each other and wanting to be with one another other again. He is not wealthy thus I know this has nothing to do with me wanting money from him. I sincerely love, care, and want to be intimate with this person despite the age difference. If I was to end the relationship, it would only be out of personal fear and doubt of the unknown future. I am looking for others' opinion on this-what would you do in my situation? Would the age difference force you to end it? Would you pay no attention to social norms and be with the one you love? Thank you in advance for your answers, please no immature comments

What do you think of Tiffany bringing back the New Superstar Initiative?

And also what do you think of the 4 new superstars for ECW:- Abraham Washington, Sheamus, Tyler Reks & Yoshi Tatsu?

What's wrong with me...?

well there is nothing really wrong with you.. I'm 25 and still have the same problems sometimes. It may be that your brain tends to think faster than you can talk and in reality it's supposed to but your thinking so fast but the words come out wrong because you can't keep up with what u want to say. Resulting in mixed up words or sometimes even stuttering...just take a deep breath and try to slow down that what helps me.